Monday, May 21, 2012

Live to Run, Run to Live

Nutrition: EmergenC, great stuff packed with electrolytes, I prefer it to the sports drinks. It's easier to carry, much cheaper, & IMHO healthier. I do not drink unnecessary water. I get plenty of hydration through my meals & drink only when I'm thirsty. The exception is hot weather & heavy activity combined.

Diet: I try to always be prepared for "Hunger Emergencies". I have grown comfortable being a bit hungry most of the time. I push the envelope sometimes & allow myself to get pretty hungry. I can't let myself get famished. I don't care to obsess on diet, but I always have to be mindful of where & what my next meal will be or at least have a variety of healthy choices available at hand. I try to keep all natural granola bars in my car & if there's any doubt, I'll bring a couple in my pocket.If I'm going to a function, I assume there will be no healthy alternatives available. If I'm in a bad jam, I'll pick the least toxic & try to keep it under 200 calories.

Workouts: Two-a-Days baby!!! The only one way ticket to HTFU. Ain't no replacement, just ask the No Fun League.

Stretch: PT told me minimum 30 seconds, I try to hold them all a minute now. I loved PT because I was able to grill the therapist about injuries other than what I was there for.

Motivation: Throw out the fat clothes, you don't need them anymore. It took me a couple years to get rid of the size 40s & 42s. At one point I blew back up into size 36. I got rid of the rest of them a couple years ago. I can gain 10 or 15lbs, any more than that & it's getting uncomfortable.

Equipment: I'm going to start from the ground up. TARMAC IS EVIL Shoes are very subjective. I say find what works & stick with it. Shoe durability is not nearly the issue it used to be before switching to trails. I don't even bother to track the mileage of each pair of shoes anymore. PT recommended insoles, I got Superfeet & Soles (the ones you bake in the oven). Best $80 I invested in equipment possibly ever. If you have knee, feet, back, or hip problems, these things work! I am intrigued by the Vibram Toes fad..err..popularity. I have tried to incorporate some of the principles into my running by reducing my heel striking. I can't imagine blowing down a rutted trail full blast in them. Holy mother of all stubbed toes Batman!!!

Rant: Skinny Jeans: This is to all the haters....phftttt. Seems it got popular to dog on people who wear skinny jeans the last few years. Well you know what..... I love it, now the clearance racks are full of every imaginable size & style of my beloved skinny jeans. My greatest score last year was a pair of $90 skinny carpenter jeans for $15, everything is triple seamed. I'm in heaven, hate away.

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