Thursday, May 31, 2012

I ran my typical 5 Mile run at Pt Defiance today in 45 minutes. My Garmin battery was dead, so no data. I will post up the results of my bodyfat test later today. I'm guessing 10.5%.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pt Defiance by schrup at Garmin Connect - Details

Pt Defiance by schrup at Garmin Connect - Details
Nutrition: I try new things. I have nearly reached my weight goal, so I need to
start to add more lean protein to my diet. Today I tried whole grain toast, cream
cheese, & tuna, tasted better than it sounded. This doesn’t always work out, but it
sure is nice to discover something new for the diet. I’m reluctant to take anymore
advise from Vegans. The last time didn’t go well. Turned out to be a big stinky
expensive mess no one would eat.

Equipment: Compression Socks  I have a long history of calf strains, pulls, Achilles
problems, foot cramps, & a dozen turned ankles. These socks work for me, I
frequently wear them between work outs & they reduce swelling, fatigue , & give
added support & protection in the event ice or Ace bandages are required. I have
seen other people wearing these on activities, but I doesn’t work that way for me. I
wore them once on a  five mile jaunt & could barely walk for two days. My lower legs
didn’t respond well to the added support. These are largely marketed as “Recovery
Socks” & can be a bit over priced IMO. I used a 20% off REI membership coupon to buy
A pair of Smartwool knee high. I received my 2 other pairs from a Schwaggle deal. I
looked into diabetic socks, very similar. They have cheap offerings, but if you read
the labels, they’re over 90% nylon, the ones with higher percentage of spandex are
running the same price as “recovery socks”. These have all but eliminated my lower
leg issues.

Cheapskate: I’m a deal hound. I will not pay full price for anything more than once.
I am becoming more aware of how things work around the interwebz. Google save me $50
off my entry to Spartan. I signed up for Google deals,  stay logged in while surfing
Spartan Race & BAM, coupon in my inbox. To be honest, I didn’t want to spend $100
for this event. I was planning to volunteer this year to gain free admission next

Rant: Green Font Police. Since when do we have to declare our intentions whether true or foul. If you offend then you are a clod & need to study the fine art of sublte. A true barb leaves much doubt about intentions & doesn't become apparent unless mulled over. Double meanings work well & afford deniable plausibility. Perhaps people rely too much on poor body laugage & don't realize the best delivery is deadpan. The next time you're offended by some oof in a forum, consider the source & move on. True wit should hold some mystery & not be murdered by green font.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Live to Run, Run to Live

Nutrition: EmergenC, great stuff packed with electrolytes, I prefer it to the sports drinks. It's easier to carry, much cheaper, & IMHO healthier. I do not drink unnecessary water. I get plenty of hydration through my meals & drink only when I'm thirsty. The exception is hot weather & heavy activity combined.

Diet: I try to always be prepared for "Hunger Emergencies". I have grown comfortable being a bit hungry most of the time. I push the envelope sometimes & allow myself to get pretty hungry. I can't let myself get famished. I don't care to obsess on diet, but I always have to be mindful of where & what my next meal will be or at least have a variety of healthy choices available at hand. I try to keep all natural granola bars in my car & if there's any doubt, I'll bring a couple in my pocket.If I'm going to a function, I assume there will be no healthy alternatives available. If I'm in a bad jam, I'll pick the least toxic & try to keep it under 200 calories.

Workouts: Two-a-Days baby!!! The only one way ticket to HTFU. Ain't no replacement, just ask the No Fun League.

Stretch: PT told me minimum 30 seconds, I try to hold them all a minute now. I loved PT because I was able to grill the therapist about injuries other than what I was there for.

Motivation: Throw out the fat clothes, you don't need them anymore. It took me a couple years to get rid of the size 40s & 42s. At one point I blew back up into size 36. I got rid of the rest of them a couple years ago. I can gain 10 or 15lbs, any more than that & it's getting uncomfortable.

Equipment: I'm going to start from the ground up. TARMAC IS EVIL Shoes are very subjective. I say find what works & stick with it. Shoe durability is not nearly the issue it used to be before switching to trails. I don't even bother to track the mileage of each pair of shoes anymore. PT recommended insoles, I got Superfeet & Soles (the ones you bake in the oven). Best $80 I invested in equipment possibly ever. If you have knee, feet, back, or hip problems, these things work! I am intrigued by the Vibram Toes fad..err..popularity. I have tried to incorporate some of the principles into my running by reducing my heel striking. I can't imagine blowing down a rutted trail full blast in them. Holy mother of all stubbed toes Batman!!!

Rant: Skinny Jeans: This is to all the haters....phftttt. Seems it got popular to dog on people who wear skinny jeans the last few years. Well you know what..... I love it, now the clearance racks are full of every imaginable size & style of my beloved skinny jeans. My greatest score last year was a pair of $90 skinny carpenter jeans for $15, everything is triple seamed. I'm in heaven, hate away.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

PT Run

Nutrition: Ovaltine. There are supplement empires. They tout whey protein isolates & casein super proteins, seems to me that milk contains all these naturally. The Ovaltine adds the carbs for the ideal 1-4 protien to carb ratio. Vitamins & minerals can’t hurt & I feel safer with a product marketed at kids. Some of these supplement companies have been found with unhealthy amounts of bad stuff in their products. Google “ Protien Drinks Consumer Reports”.

Diet: I have slowly been able to change the way I feel about food. I have found the less I think about it the easier it is to control my appetite. That doesn’t mean I don’t stay prepared at all times for hunger emergencies. I have found the hunger will often pass after a few minutes & not return for up to an hour. If I do this more than three times consecutive, it is difficult to satiate with 4 or 500 calories & I’m setting myself up for a food binge. I eat for one reason, to satiate hunger. No matter how hard I try to lose weight with exercise, it is futile if I can’t control my diet.  

Workouts: TARMAC IS EVIL!!!  I can’t run if I’m injuried. I’m 47 years years old. I don’t understand why people still run on concrete & asphalt. It wears out my equipment & body prematurely.

Stretching: Until last year I didn’t subscribe to the notion that stretching was necessary unless I was injured. The wonderful people at Multicare Sports Medicine set me straight after damaging both Achilles & hamstrings. I am no expert (at anything), but I will share what works for me.

Motivation: My primary motivation started with lying in a hospital bed not knowing what was wrong with me. I promised myself that if I got out, I was going to make damn sure I did everything I could to not return. I still occasionally draw on that feeling of hopelessness after a long break to get me kick started.

Equipment: Cheap is relative, my equipment may seem extravagant to some & shabby to others. My primary concern when making a purchase is value. I try to find the illusive line of diminishing returns. The easiest example I can give is with bicycles. Is a $1K  bike twice as good performance wise as a $500? Probably in my perspective. Is a $4K bike twice the bike of a $2k bike? Little harder for me to determine. $10K bike over a $5K bike? I probable couldn’t tell the difference if the components were the same.

Rant: Dog mess, I remember when I was a kid it was everywhere. I remember stepping in it all the time. These days I still see it occasionally, especially running. I’m a creature of habit & run the same route day after day. I am not a dog owner although I grew up with them. Dogs to me are like kids, some are cool if they’re treated proper by their owner. Never underestimate how much someone cares for their pet.  Here’s my point, dog owners care about how they are perceived as a whole. I can tell because when I see a mess, it is almost always gone the next day. I don’t remember vanishing dog mess when I was a kid. Today’s mess was too messy for the owner, but the pouring rain will make quick use of it.

Don’t get me started on dog urine killing my perfectly manicured yard that I pour my heart & soul into.  

Untitled by schrup at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I'm going to alternate between trail running @ Point Defiance & circuit training at the old Wilson High School track. Today I started developing my own circuit course using what is available. Hand over hand across the goal posts, throwing a tire in the shot put area, metal roof frames for pull ups, dips, ect., crazy balance beam with a long jump at the end, diving off the bleachers into the pole vault landing pad & 3.66 miles of running.
Untitled by schrup at Garmin Connect - Details

Tomorrow will be a 5 mile run through the trails at the Pt. 

I will touch on my diet, but it is always an evolving work. I usually shoot for 55%carbs, 30% fat, & only 15% protein. I don't log or calorie count any longer, but have in the past & it was invaluable in understanding what, how much, & how often to eat. I try to consume around 400 calories 5 times a day depending on activity level. I try to eat only real whole food & stay away from ingredients I can't pronounce. I try to avoid unnecessary salt & sugar. I highly recommend FITDAY for anyone looking to get a grip on their diet.

I am currently 168lbs & about 11.5% body fat according to my Tanita composition scale. I hope to get a more accurate body fat measurement from Multicare Sports Medicine next week. I got down to 163lbs last summer & was in fantastic shape until my Achilles tendons started hurting badly along with tight hammies. I believe my injuries were caused from over enthusiastic basketball & tennis.

 I also plan to get another complete assessment from Exercise Science center in Fircrest. I got one 5 years ago & it was well worth the money which seemed cheap anyway (under a hundie). I received an accurate LTL, lactic threshold level. It was 156BPM. This is an important number in my training, I train by heart rate & as long as I don't keep my heart rate above 156bpm for extended periods, I greatly reduce my risk of injury. Extended periods over 156bpm build up too much lactic acid in my blood, my system isn't able to get rid of it fast enough & then I start to get pulls, strain, & tears. Another benefit I got from the first test was to find out that I don't have the genetic make up to be an elite athlete, but I can have elite fitness.

Howdy friends & welcome to RippedCheap. I am starting a fitness blog to share my enthusiasm for life, fitness, & all things healthy. I won't bore with my sordid past, but I have overcome much through some mysterious higher power that gives me a deep conviction in myself & the power of good. There is much I can't control, but I can control what I put in my body (mostly) & how much effort I give my fitness (absolutely).

I love Triathlon training! My problem is the expense of maintaining equipment, pool/gym membership, & the intense preperation. I found that for every hour of training, I was spending an additional hour preparing for my next workout. I want to get away from the solo nature of Tri training for a while.

I was greatly delighted & inspired by a website I found yesterday looking for alternatives to Triathlons.

                                         BEHOLD, I present to you SPARTAN